BSA by Pioneer Balloon Company

Sämtliche Produkte der Marke Everts werden im Everts-Werk in Malaysia hergestellt und hierzulande über die Unternehmens-Gruppe AMSCAN, mit Hauptsitz in den USA, vertrieben. Selbstverständlich geniesst das gesamte Sortiment an Luftballons sämtliche, notwendigen Zertifizierungen, um in Deutschland flächendeckend angeboten werden zu können. Wir freuen uns, ihnen einige Highlights dieser Marke anbieten zu können.



All products by Everts are made in Malaysia and distributed by the company AMSCAN - located in Kirchheim/Teck, Germany (has his headquarter in the United States). Of course, the whole latex balloon assortment is produced according to the strict german and european safety standards and has all necessary certifications. We are very pleased to be able to offer you a few Everts-Highlights.

EVERTS 11" Decor Line (50er Pack)


  • 28cm Durchmesser / 11" in diameter
  • idealer Ballon für Dekorateure / perfect balloon for decorators
  • neue Produktreihe von Everts / new "Decor Line" by Everts  
  • Beutelware (50 Stück) / bagged goods (50 Balloons)

(keine Farbauswahl möglich - Mix-Packs enthalten nicht zwingend alle Farben)

(no selectable colours - mix packs may not contain all colors)


Hersteller (gemäß GPSR Produktsicherheitsverordnung):

Everts Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 103-107 Jalan Usaha 6, Kawasan MIEL, Phase II

Ayer Keroh, Industrial Estate, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia,

Website:, E-Mail:

Verantwortlicher (EU): Amscan Europe GmbH, Dettinger Straße 148,

73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Deutschland, Website:,



Bitte wählen / Please choose:

8,99 €

  • 0,2 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1-3 Tage Lieferzeit / delivery time depends on your location1

EVERTS 14" Decor Line


  • 36cm Durchmesser / 14" in diameter
  • idealer Ballon für Dekorateure / perfect balloon for decorators
  • neue Produktreihe von Everts / new "Decor Line" by Everts  
  • in 36 Farben erhältlich / 36 colors available

Standard / Fashion:

50 Latexballons Decorator Standard Frosty White 35 cm / 1450 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Yellow Sunshine 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Tangerine 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Apple Red 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Pretty Pink 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Festive Green 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Pastel Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Bright Royal Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard New Purple 35 cm / 14"

50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Blush 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Goldenrod 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Orange Peel 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Antique Pink 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Hot Pink 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Berry 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Caribbean Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Robin's Egg Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Ocean Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Lavender 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Grey 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Jet Black 35 cm / 14"


50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Clear 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Yellow Sunshine 35 cm / 14""50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Tangerine 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Apple Red 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Magenta 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Berry 35 cm / 14"50 Latexballons Decorator Crystal Festive Green 35 cm / 1450 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Bright Royal Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Lilac 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Chocolate Brown 35 cm / 14"

Pearl / Mettallic:

50 Latex Balloons Decorator Pearl Frosty White 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Pearl Rose Gold 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Metallic Silver 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Metallic Gold 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Pearl Jet Black 35 cm / 14"


Hersteller (gemäß GPSR Produktsicherheitsverordnung):

Everts Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 103-107 Jalan Usaha 6, Kawasan MIEL, Phase II

Ayer Keroh, Industrial Estate, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia,

Website:, E-Mail:

Verantwortlicher (EU): Amscan Europe GmbH, Dettinger Straße 148,

73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Deutschland, Website:,



Bitte wählen / Please choose:

0,30 €

  • 0,01 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1-3 Tage Lieferzeit / delivery time depends on your location1

EVERTS 14" Decor Line (50er Pack)


  • 36cm Durchmesser / 14" in diameter
  • idealer Ballon für Dekorateure / perfect balloon for decorators
  • neue Produktreihe von Everts / new "Decor Line" by Everts  
  • Beutelware (50 Stück) / bagged goods (50 Balloons)

Standard / Fashion:

50 Latexballons Decorator Standard Frosty White 35 cm / 1450 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Bright Royal Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Hot Pink 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Berry 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Jet Black 35 cm / 14"


50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Clear 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Yellow Sunshine 35 cm / 14""50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Tangerine 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Apple Red 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Magenta 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Berry 35 cm / 14"50 Latexballons Decorator Crystal Festive Green 35 cm / 1450 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Bright Royal Blue 35 cm / 14"50 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Lilac 35 cm / 14"


Hersteller (gemäß GPSR Produktsicherheitsverordnung):

Everts Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 103-107 Jalan Usaha 6, Kawasan MIEL, Phase II

Ayer Keroh, Industrial Estate, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia,

Website:, E-Mail:

Verantwortlicher (EU): Amscan Europe GmbH, Dettinger Straße 148,

73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Deutschland, Website:,



Bitte wählen / Please choose:

13,99 €

  • 0,29 kg
  • Weniger als 5 verfügbar / less than 5 available
  • 1-3 Tage Lieferzeit / delivery time depends on your location1

EVERTS 18" Decor Line - Wide Neck Stuffer


  • 46cm Durchmesser / 18" in diameter
  • extra weiter Hals (ca. 4cm) / extra-wide neck ( ca. 1,5")
  • transparent (kein Motiv / no design)
  • einzeln, 10er oder 25er Pack (NEU) / single balloons or pack /w 10 or 25 pcs. (NEW)
  • Made by EVERTS (Malaysia)


Hersteller (gemäß GPSR Produktsicherheitsverordnung):

Everts Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 103-107 Jalan Usaha 6, Kawasan MIEL, Phase II

Ayer Keroh, Industrial Estate, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia,

Website:, E-Mail:

Verantwortlicher (EU): Amscan Europe GmbH, Dettinger Straße 148,

73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Deutschland, Website:,



Bitte wählen / Please choose:

0,89 €

  • 0,01 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1-3 Tage Lieferzeit / delivery time depends on your location1

EVERTS 24" Decor Line


  • 60cm Durchmesser / 24" in diameter
  • robuster Riese für festliche Dekorationen / high quality balloon for festive decors
  • neue Produktreihe von Everts / new "Decor Line" by Everts 
  • 24 versch. Farben (Standard, Macaron & Kristall) erhältlich / 24 various colors (Standard, Macaron & Crystal)

Standard / Fashion:

4 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Frosty White 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Yellow Sunshine 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Pastel Blue 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard Bright Royal Blue 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Standard New Purple 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Orange Peel 61 cm / 24"

4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Pretty Pink 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Hot Pink 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Kiwi Green 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Caribbean Blue 61 cm / 244 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Lavender 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Fashion Jet Black 61 cm / 24"



4 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Clear 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Apple Red 61 cm / 24"4 Latex Balloons Decorator Crystal Festive Green 61 cm / 24"


Hersteller (gemäß GPSR Produktsicherheitsverordnung):

Everts Malaysia Sdn Bhd, 103-107 Jalan Usaha 6, Kawasan MIEL, Phase II

Ayer Keroh, Industrial Estate, 75450 Melaka, Malaysia,

Website:, E-Mail:

Verantwortlicher (EU): Amscan Europe GmbH, Dettinger Straße 148,

73230 Kirchheim/Teck, Deutschland, Website:,



Bitte wählen / Please choose:

2,29 €

  • 0,03 kg
  • verfügbar / available
  • 1-3 Tage Lieferzeit / delivery time depends on your location1